Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How To Make a Button/Badge For Blog/Website

1. Take an image or picture you would like to use as your blog button/badge. You can either utilize any picture or make a picture of your own.
Now there are two ways to edit your selected pic, either through Photoshop or through online picture editor tool. Here i have managed to form a list of good online picture editing tools. I have utilized Pixlr here in this tutorial. Upload any picture of your choice to the site and change its size to 100 x 100, but you can be creative and can choose any size of your own.

2. Now since your photo/image is ready save to your computer. we would be needing an HTML code for this ready image. to get that we would upload this image to an online image hosting site. Here i have formed a list of some good image hosting sites. I have used Photobucket in this tutorial and will give our required HTML code, as shown in the image below:   

Copy the "HTML Code" of the image and place it in the code where it says "Enter Photo Code Here". And put the website you would like your button to lead to where it says "Enter Website Here"
"<em><a href="http://www.internet-gossip.blogspot.com"><img src="http://i1054.photobucket.com/albums/s482/abrarr84/Wallpapers/miscellaneous/psbutton312.jpg"/></a></em>"

3. If your want your blog/website badge to appear in the sidebar than copy your code just like above and go to Blogger- Layout - Add a Gadget - HTML/Javascript box - paste your code there. Your badge will appear in the sidebar.


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