You know sharing has become quite useful tool for blogger and website owners to make others read their work and at the same time readers have also felt themselves equipped with beautiful tool to save their favorite webpages/posts to social bookmarking sites. Social bookmarking buttons with the passage of time is becoming more and more diverse and easy to install on blogs. Here i have tried to produce an article about "Adding Social Bookmarking Buttons to All Blog Posts". Small icons are easily to fit everywhere but big and fat icons look attractive and easily spottable. See here.
Add Social Bookmarking Buttons to Blogger Post
To ad these buttons under every blogger post please read the following tutorial, some serious changing in CSS is required so make a backup file of your template and then proceed further:
a- Login to your blogger account
b- Go to Dashboard > Design > Edit Html > Check 'Expand Widget Template'.
c- Press Ctrl + F and look for following code :
d- Paste the following code just above it :]]></b:skin>
/*------------ MBT Image Opacity--------------*/e- Now look for following code :
.Fadein img {
-moz-opacity: 1.0;
opacity: 1.0;
.Fadein:hover img {
-moz-opacity: 0.30;
opacity: 0.30;
f- Paste the following code just below the above code :
f- Now Save your template and see the result.<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><center><span style='color: #7AA1C3; font-size: 12px; font-family: Verdana;'><b>Do You Like it, Spread the Word and Share.</b></span><br/><br/>
<a class='Fadein' expr:href='"" + data:post.url' rel='external nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Technorati' height='64px' src=' ' width='64px'/></a>
<a class='Fadein' expr:href='"" + data:post.url' rel='external nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Digg This' height='80px' src=' ' width='80px'/></a>
<a class='Fadein' expr:href='"" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title' rel='external nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Stumble' height='100px' src='' width='100px'/></a>
<a class='Fadein' expr:href='"" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title' rel='external nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Stumble' height='100px' src='' width='100px'/></a>
<a class='Fadein' expr:href='"" + data:post.url + "&t=" + data:post.title' rel='external nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Facebook' height='80px' src=' ' width='80px'/></a>
<!-- Twitter -->
<a class='Fadein' expr:href='"" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title' rel='external nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Twitter' height='64px' src='' width='64px'/></a></center>
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