Monday, December 5, 2011

How To Embed .pdf Files to Blog Post

Someday a time during your blogging experience a time may come when you'll need to embed some .pdf documents in your blog post, just like here. So i have managed to form a simple step-by-step post for your guidance. Lets begin:
step1 upload
Now Blogger doesn't allow to attach files and store them on Blogger servers so we would need an online available copy of the document you want to upload. The first step is to upload a document to a document storage server so that we can embed it to our blogger post. For this purpose google for document sharing sites but i would recommend you to look for sites which pay you to upload documents and share it with your friends. Later i would also write a post on a list document sharing sites. Lets start with Docstoc. After signing up to this site upload the document.

step 2 my documents
Now go to 'My Documents' page by clicking your username on top right corner. Thumbnails of all the documents will be displayed.

step 3 copy code
Select the document you want to embed in blog pot by clicking check box and click 'Embed'.A window will pop-up which contains an HTML code to embed the document where you want to embed in your blog. If you want  to change dimensions of  your document change 'width' and 'height' in this window and just copy that code and switch tab to your blog dashboard. Post this code in the post where you want to see it and save, Do check the result.

Source: I came to know this method by using Embed PDF file into post.



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